• Please reverse the RTO mandate.
    Because it is our only recourse to combat the recent RTO mandate.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Kay
  • Release My Data
    Screenwriters are under-recognized and under-rewarded for their contributions because the work happens early in the production process. Minority and female writers face the largest barriers to credit and pay. Fortunately, the Screenwriters Guild has collected and archived many years of data on contracts, earnings, and credit decisions. These data hold the answers to our questions! These data have the power to reveal what policies can improve the bargaining position of writers, and equity among writers! Have challenges to credit been handled fairly? Have our policies to limit executive credit increased pay for writers? Are credit reviews really anonymous and giving equal treatment to females, males and non-binary writers? Are minorities credited equally for equal work, and paid equally too? These data must be released to an expert to find out! A Harvard professor has offered to analyze the data and produce a high-profile report on the topics we ask for, but Tery Lopez must grant them permission to access the data securely. Please join us in a movement to release our data for answers!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Imogen Van Arts
  • We Need a Pay Raise
    Workers in the economy deserve a break. With U.S. inflation hitting 9.1% in June, the cost of living has become more and more expensive. And while people are struggling, major companies are raking in more revenue than ever. But when employers refuse to increase wages to keep up with inflation families are forced to stretch their paycheck further and further. My coworkers and I deserve a pay raise from [Your Employer] in order to weather the changes in the economy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Garcia
  • Facebook: Stop exploiting your workers
    It is the job of Facebook content moderators to try and make the platform safe. This means reviewing every post that is either reported by a user or flagged by Facebook’s automated tools from its 3 billion users. For context, around 130,000 images are uploaded to Facebook every minute. The work can be harrowing, with content moderators having to look at some of the worst material on the internet. This includes murder, gruesome violence, hate speech and the sexual exploitation of children. Outsourced content moderators don’t receive proper mental health support and many develop PTSD as a result of their experience. This year, TIME magazine (https://time.com/6147458/facebook-africa-content-moderation-employee-treatment/) revealed chilling abuse at Facebook's content moderation centre in Nairobi, Kenya. Workers reported exploitation and unlawful union-busting at the Nairobi office, run by Sama — the US company who Facebook use as its main provider of outsourced content moderation in Africa. For this harrowing and dangerous work, TIME revealed workers are paid as little as $2.20 per hour. Sign this petition today in solidarity with them and all Facebook content moderators around the world.
    3,024 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by martha dark
  • Unfair Domino’s conditions and termination
    We are being treated unjustly for being loyal to the company and committing years of hard work. For using our own cars for delivery and not being paid mileage or any other compensation for years (recently, early ’22, they added $.56 per mile, which still doesn’t cover much). Furthermore, being written up for having car troubles because of the wear we have to put on them for work. Multiple employees have been terminated with no notice, and upon hearsay with no proof of reason. Constantly doing managerial tasks and responsibilities, with no manager pay. Finally, multiple employees unlawfully terminated for striking because of wanting to improve these conditions.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raina Millay
  • Large Party Gratuity
    This effects everyone in the restaurant. We have all had large parties that did not tip what they were supposed to, resulting in wasted time and a wasted shift. This ensures that it will not happen anymore and servers will be properly compensated.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Siehr
  • Starbucks shift differential
    The expectations and standards employees are required to meet make working at Starbucks one of the most mentally and physically taxing retail work environments. It is not a stretch to assert that Starbucks is the hardest I’ve ever worked, while simultaneously being the least I’ve ever been paid. That disparity cannot continue to exist. In order to rectify this issue, Starbucks must implement a shift differential for their morning and weekend shifts to fairly compensate their staff.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Rizo
  • Better communication between mgt and staffnd staff
    Most of us need a second job to make ends meet, many of us are stressed about neverending lines ( one recent Sunday two cashier's called in sick and no replacements were called leaving two cashiers to handle lines halfway down the store), and noone can live on $12/hr.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Lehmkuhl
  • Unionize IYR 2021
    The only way our working conditions and wages will improve is if we all band together to tell our employers that they are not entitled to our labor until they treat us all much more fairly. Our current wages are barely enough to scrape by when considering that after taxes, there's still a struggle to cover rent, bills, groceries, vehicle maintenance, pets and any unexpected injuries or accidents. Our current working conditions are hostile almost daily, typically in the form of coworkers having disagreements and getting into screaming / yelling matches (often in front of donors and / or customers) that go largely unresolved by management; these disagreements also commonly end in "behind each other's backs" comments that often lead to further disagreements that, again, end in one of these two ways. When asked to help resolve many of these issues, management has commonly responded with some remark about or similar to being "unable" to do anything about it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • Please Pay On A Schedule
    So we can finally get some order to the craziness! This is just a start to show everyone we DO have rights. We just have to know them and be willing to fight for them.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cortney Green
  • 7-Eleven not allowing Tips
    In a time where a labor shortage has gone beyond anything an owner could imagine finding a great employer has become a tremendously difficult task. Our customers coupled with our management like our employees to feel special, appreciated, and rewarded. In numerous occasions our clientele has requested to tip employees, thus a tip jar should be permitted. A small jar can go a large way and can allow employees to feel supported and get a bit extra during such a difficult time.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noufel Aleem