• Pay minimum wage for food food runnners
    They make less than a server and do all the servers work for them. It’s not equal pay. And can’t live off 2.83 an hour.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess J
  • C is for Change - End unreasonable production demands at Cigna
    A very large portion of your call representatives are on the verge of quitting and live in constant fear of being fired. We are mentally drained, exhausted, frustrated, and our mental and physical health is suffering. Unfulfilled promises to IMPROVE and THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE INSTEAD OF BETTER!!!!
    3,056 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Cigna Call Center Reps for a better work Environment-Nationwide
  • Justice for George Mason University Campus Workers
    Our tax and tuition dollars are driving poverty for immigrant workers at George Mason University. The university should pay people a decent wage and have high standards for all contractors. Their janitorial staff are forced to come to work after being exposed to COVID, they are shorted on hours and intimidated. On construction projects, the contractors use labor brokers that violate labor laws. We want GMU to adopt a strong responsible contractor policy. We want the new Virginia Square campus in Arlington to be built by union workers who have more job protections, and have apprenticeship opportunities for people in our community.
    2,539 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Keith Willis
  • Covid tests at IST Austria
    The upcoming third wave and the spread of the mutations of the Corona virus that are more infectious demand for a strong response. Regular testing is an important measure to identify Covid clusters quickly, allow contact tracing, and thus help to keep the infection numbers low. We must do everything we can to have low infection numbers rates to prevent even more dangerous mutations!
    433 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Works Council
  • Employee Petition - Revocation - Spring Break 2021
    This has been an incredibly difficult year for all of us. We, the teachers, are so incredibly grateful to be in a career field where, in these unsteady times, work will almost always be available to us. We are also blessed to play such an influential role in the lives of our students. The winter storm that tore through many of our homes, not even a year after the chaos that has been COVID-19, has been devastating to many of our staff. Our physical and mental health has taken a beating, and we desperately need respite. A week without heat in a winter storm is not that. A week of our homes incurring damage is not that. A week without the ability to take a shower and flush the toilet, having to wait outside grocery stores in freezing temperatures, only to be turned away, is not that. Spring Break 2021 is necessary in order to be of adequate mental health to provide our students with what they need. It is necessary to care for ourselves in order to be able to best care for one another as well. In addition, many staff members have already invested financially in plans for Spring Break 2021. Most of these plans involve spending time with family members we haven’t seen since COVID-19 began. With the newly established vaccines, many of are just now able to safely reunite with our loved ones and properly pay our respects to those we’ve lost. To deprive your hard-working staff of this much needed time off is to create unhealthy work conditions—at best. Lastly, you will find that our community of parents and neighbors are in full support of this petition, indicated by their signatures alongside ours. We hope that our petition will be heard and considered thoughtfully. Thank you.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Anonymous
  • Tell Whole Foods' billionaire bosses to protect their employees and customers
    Whole Foods can afford to do better. The grocery store chain and its parent company, Amazon, are raking in profits during the pandemic. To slow the spread of the virus among Whole Foods employees and customers, CEO John Mackey needs to immediately institute a permanent comprehensive paid leave policy. That includes guaranteed paid sick time, paid family and medical leave, and paid time off to be vaccinated. Join us and Whole Foods employees in calling on Whole Foods to live up to their virtues by giving their employees the opportunity to put their wellness and their families first now and in the future.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bridget Shea
  • We Demand Restoration of Break Time!
    Almost exactly a year ago, we saw corporations calling grocery workers “heroes” — what a difference a year makes! A new company-wide policy on team member meal and rest periods which went into effect on February 8th has shortened our breaks from 15 minutes to 10. The policy change has affected different regions in different ways. Many stores offered two paid 15 minute breaks per shift - under the new policy, all they get is 10. Some stores offered workers a paid 30 minute lunch break - under the new policy, that break will no longer be paid. Whole Foods claims that they are doing this to “streamline regional processes and policies.” In reality, they are bringing every store in America down to the bare minimum. This policy was designed to offer us as little break time and as little pay as the law will permit. Jeff Bezos' net worth grew by $75 billion last year. Now Amazon/Whole Foods is forcing their lowest paid employees to sacrifice paid rest time on the job. Is this how we’re thanked for working through a pandemic? We risk our lives every day to keep these stores stocked and clean. We’ve earned our breaks! Let’s send a message to Amazon and Whole Foods: these changes are unacceptable. If you’re a Whole Foods worker and you want to fight back, reach out to us. Together, we can hold Whole Foods accountable for its unfair policies. In Solidarity, Whole Worker and the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee
    5,220 of 6,000 Signatures
  • Relaunch Starbucks Coffee Master
    The current coffee academy is not working. Partners can no longer get the title or the apron for being a coffee master. Instead baristas can spend hours completing a free online course on coffee. The program is unpaid and there is no incentive to complete the program. Coffee master used to be one of the coolest parts of working at Starbucks. Partners and customers would look up to coffee masters if they had questions or wanted to learn more about coffee. Coffee masters were there to support and help partners learn more about coffee. Currently, customers are no longer getting their questions answered about how to brew coffee. They can no longer get a roast recommendation based off of their personal preferences. Many partners haven't even tried a majority of Starbucks roasts. Something needs to change.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cameron Ehrle
  • Prioritize Frontline Essential Workers for COVID Vaccine
    For the last year, essential workers - such as grocery store clerks, bus drivers, and people in food service - have been working through a pandemic to ensure that families can continue to eat and stay alive. We are truly public servants, risking infection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its mutations in service of the general public. Workers can’t control other people, such as those we interact with daily who do not take this pandemic seriously. We are tired of putting on a friendly tone to ask customers, coworkers, and managers to please pull their masks over their noses. We are exhausted from going to work day after day, not knowing if today might be the day we bring home the virus that could kill us or our family members. Our field is diverse; we are Black, disabled, immigrant, indigenous, Latinx, parents, students, working class. The federal government’s National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness calls for equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. We urge you to listen to experts who say that essential workers should be vaccinated now. Consider our sacrifices over the past year, and commit to repaying us by prioritizing us for the vaccine.
    799 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Spinrad
    Nursing assistants are the lowest paid. They usually make minimum wage or slightly over. They are the manual labor of the health care industry, physically working very hard. Like everyone they have family and home obligations or work elsewhere. These polices are not used or enforced on any other type of healthcare worker other than CNA's or Nurses.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Florence Arnold
    It’s important to make sure we all feel like we are being heard. That everyone feels we are being fair in work place and not that other people have to work harder then others because they “aren’t used to working in those conditions” If people don’t feel like they are being heard they feel like they don’t matter.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sotchil Velasquez
  • Dick's Drive In Demands
    Schedules are posted on short notice, often only 2 days in advance, but we are expected to follow any changes without question. Because of this, we often do not have time outside of work for ourselves. This also means shifts are cut without proper notice; once we are on the schedule, we expect those hours to be on our paycheck, and the decision to cut them can be detrimental. Many of us have missed rent payments and other bills which can have a long term impact on our finances. We are negatively impacted by clopenings because of the lack of sleep and are never able to function at 100%. This can cause employees to become irritable, fatigued, and at times dangerous to ourselves and others. The grease, water from leakage, and other liquids on the floors cause a daily slipping hazard. Handrails on the stairs are loose and splintered, while the stairs continue to lose grip due to the fry gunk built up on them. Many of us have reported slipping on the floor, resulting in more serious injuries like hitting our head, cracking ribs, and falling on the grill. The floor is just one example of the hazards that are left for employees to handle on their own and deprioritized by management. Many of us across different locations have endured instances of sexual harassment by both staff and management over a long period of time. This has become a pervasive issue that needs to be addressed immediately. There is currently no way to safely or anonymously report, and when someone does come forward it is not taken seriously and answered with responses like ¨they’re not like that.¨ Currently, human resources is not a safe option for employees to turn to, and there is no option in the chip app to assure anonymity or confirm that any complaint will be addressed. Without anonymity there is the fear of backlash from any complaint which has led to a toxic culture of keeping people quiet. After a few short months, management has failed to keep up with COVID guidelines. Sanitation has gone from happening hourly to a few times a day with none on night shifts, and masks aren’t being enforced with customers and staff. This has created an unsafe work environment. We are left to enforce mask-wearing with customers which causes a huge amount of stress, and are unsupported by management or security. Many of us avoid confrontation out of fear of how customers will react, putting ourselves at risk or forces coworkers to step in and away from their own work.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M F