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To: Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Fairfax County Supervisors Must Fully Fund Our Public Schools!

We, the undersigned, call upon Chairman Sharon Bulova and the Fairfax County Supervisors to fully fund Fairfax County Public Schools.

Why is this important?

Our public schools are our crown jewels – the reason so many of us live and do business in Fairfax County. We are concerned that our quality of life and our children’s future will substantially degrade if we do not maintain public schools.

During the 2009-2014 fiscal years, the County transfer of funds to support our schools has increased by 5.6% overall -- yet enrollment has grown by 8.9%. The schools' proposed budget for fiscal year 2015 asks for a $98.1 million or 5.7% increase in the county transfer of funds. The 2% increase the Supervisors have offered will simply not meet the school’s needs.

Our schools are bursting at the seams, talented teachers are leaving, and already large class sizes could get even bigger. The Supervisors must make our schools the priority!

How it will be delivered

Signatures from petitions will be presented to the Board of Supervisors. We will inform signers of opportunities to get involved in the budget process.


2014-04-09 07:11:20 -0400

10 signatures reached