To: Delta CEO ED Bastian

Delta, Show the Difference…

Photo by Lukas Souza on Unsplash
Many US Airlines United/American/Southwest are in contract negotiations or up for new union work contracts.. To keep out the unions, Delta Inc. needs to treat the employees the same as after it’s referred to as and always said THE DELTA FAMILY.

Bring Back and KEEP Space Postive Commuting…

Company wide same 401K contribution:
The Worlds most admired and best employees need a pay raise and same 401k contribution as any other Delta employee, just like the Pilots have… Fair is Fair and we can’t be a family with different percentages of 401k retirement contribution, as Delta Pilots get 16% as of now or more with the new proposed Tentative Agreement for a 401k contribution match and the rest of Deltas front line employees don’t.

A FAIR and Substantial Pay Raise (16-20%) across the board for all pay tiers for all Delta Flight Attendants would be THE DELTA DIFFERENCE and it would make Delta the INDUSTRY LEADER!

Why is this important?

With the rising cost of living and inflation in the world, we need to be on-top of the industrial scale and stay on-top.

We won the JD Power award for Inflight IFS during the hardest time in the aviation industry.

We kept our company’s head above water and took leave and helped our company turn record profits the most we have seen in years.

This profit year was during space positive travel commuting periods which helped new hires get to work and keep the operation running. Space positive commuting helps drastically, especially in those cities/bases that new hires can’t afford to live and move into…

We Delta Flight Attendants spend the most time with our HVC’s and customers.. we are the face of Delta…

So, Help us Keep Delta My Delta, and Keep Delta the only Flight Attendant Non Union US Airline showing the world and aviation industry the DELTA DIFFERENCE!!!