To: Sen. Bennet, Sen. Castro, Sen. Cappel, Sen. Kohler, Rep. Hoffman, Rep. Willis, Rep. Davis, and Rep. Manley in the Illinois House and Senate.

Fair Wages for All Illinois Restaurant Workers

All workers deserve at least $15/hr! Restaurant workers and tipped workers included! We are professionals who deserve fair wages too.

Support fair wages for all, including service workers. The minimum wage needs to increase because it is too low! And there shouldn't be a SUB-minimum wage for anyone! The subminimum wage started as a racist and sexist way for employers to avoid paying employees of color and women; if we wish to end this legacy, then we must have a $15 minimum wage with tips on top for service industry workers!

Why is this important?

We all deserve the basic right of being able to survive with our wage, of being able to afford to feed our families, pay the roof over our heads, and be able to eat, like every other working professional. We are professionals who should be compensated fairly. If every other industry is paid at least the minimum wage, then we must not stand for even one penny less than minimum wage!