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To: Starbucks

Nose hoops

Starbucks has made so many changes to dress code and moved forward in a positive direction of self-expression over the course of my time here. Yet we are still unable as baristas at some stores to wear nose hoops. Why is that? A small hoop fitting close to the nose is less likely to fall out compared to a l-shape or screw. Even the nose piercings that have a backing that screws on come loose and fall out. So I ask what is so wrong with wearing a small hoop?

Why is this important?

For starters I have asked a few piercers back in my hometown and here when I had to change my piercing from hoop to stud about why. Most "piercers" agree that studs, screws, L-bends, and backings are more likely to fall out, get loose over time, get dirtier, and can clog the airway. I for one pierced the left side of my nostril where my septum is slightly deviated and I have a hard time breathing. When I wear my hoop I have had less problems with that nasal nastiness clogging up on my stud in my nose or poking out. And the freedom to breath and not worry about tightening that sucker. Some stores managers allow the hoop while others are by the book. I'm not saying having the bull piercing that's cute. Starbucks customers are not quite ready to embrace us partners individuality that isn't a norm, but perhaps just moving forward with the hoop which makes so many happy to express themselves and have that small amount of self-expression in the workplace could be nice. I know some of you out there don't have to worry and some do; lets get on the same page and get it in the handbook. We can express our story through tattoos, earrings, ties, name tags, and such so why not a cute nose hoop for the individuals who want a piercing with no fuss, no blockage of airway, and like that look of feeling they can be stylish, young, and alive.



2019-04-29 12:12:48 -0400

100 signatures reached

2016-05-31 06:07:34 -0400

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2016-05-26 15:37:31 -0400

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2016-05-25 18:18:54 -0400

10 signatures reached