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  • Mental Health Days for Employees
    An organization with a reputation for treating its employees well and accounting for their mental health is one that will earn respect both inside and outside of its headquarters, increasing staff retention, productivity, and decreasing employee burnout and sick days. The American Psychological Association’s 2023 ‘Work in America’ Survey, 92% of workers said it is very (52%) or somewhat (40%) important to them to work for an organization that provides support for employee mental health. We humbly request that Las Vegas Urban League considers allowing days for employees to prioritize their mental wellbeing. These may take the form of holidays, community outreach days, or team building days.
    1,825 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Serena Rees
  • Tell Aetna/CVS Health -Your employees are not robots and want a REAL LIVING WAGE
    As an inbound call rep, staff is required to be at their desk at all times. As a company that is both an insurance company and pharmacy, it should be well known the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Due to our performance metrics, we are allowed to leave our desk for a maximum of 7.5 minutes a day outside of our break. This includes time such as using the restroom or stretching. If you require more time, you need to jump through hoops with an unresponsive HR to get “reasonable accommodations” or you will lose out in bonuses as well as possibly receiving a PIP. This is absolutely disgusting for any company, but especially a multi-billion dollar a year company that makes its money on healthcare.  To add, all employees continually have added responsibilities without an increase in pay. The starting salary for inbound calls is 17.50 an hour. This salary is barely above a living wage. Not only that, but our jobs are incredibly difficult and emotionally taxing. While our CEO receives 20 million a year as a bonus, and our quarterly profits continue to soar, we have not received any increase in pay, despite our teams bringing it up. Instead we are met with excuses about how they can’t afford to pay us more, while releasing quarterly reports on how well our company is doing. It is shown that financial insecurity is a huge factor in mental health as well as overall health, yet we are struggling to make ends meet while CVS/Aetna reaps corporate profits. We demand that we be treated as human beings with dignity, and that we be provided a thriving wage. 
    4,055 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Morris
  • Greenpeace Petition 2.0 - No Climate Justice Without Recognizing the Occupation
    Demands The following demands are addressed to global leadership to ensure adherence to our values and principles as Greenpeace: • Greenpeace must acknowledge the power dynamic between occupier and occupied; these are not two equal sides. We, as Greenpeace staff, urge the Greenpeace Network to advocate for the end of the Occupation of Palestine, in line with UN resolutions and international law that have declared the occupation illegal, as a precondition for ensuring a sustained and long-lasting solution. • Greenpeace must commit to internally examining the power dynamics in leadership and those with decision making authority related to this issue, including questions of transparency, inclusivity, process, and if/how JEDIS principles are being upheld to acknowledge the institutionalized inequalities faced by Palestinians and promote justice.  • Continue to call for a complete arms and political embargo against Israel from all stakeholders globally, especially countries giving the most weapons and funding (including the US, Germany, Italy, and the UK). The undersigned staff present across the National and Regional Organizations (NROs), we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and join all those calling for justice, peace, and an end to the occupation and oppression.
    2,326 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Greenpeace Accountability
  • Amazon: We want LIVING wages!
    The minimum wage for fast-food workers in California is now $20, which is great for them. And places like Amazon can and should pay workers a living wage.  California is the third-most expensive state in the country to live in. The skyrocketing cost of living in major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco makes it even higher there. It’s so bad that United Ways of California’s calculations show that 34% of the state’s families lack enough income to meet basic living costs! Fast-food workers led an incredible campaign to get a $20 minimum wage, and their victory is an inspiration to fight for a living wage for all people who work in California. In 2023, Amazon had a net income of $30.4 billion dollars. Why are essential workers still struggling to make ends meet? Jeff Bezos is the second-richest person in the entire world.
    2,427 of 3,000 Signatures
  • No More Elon Musk Tax Breaks
    Tesla should not receive tax breaks for “job creation” while firing thousands of people! Elon Musk just laid off 2,700 workers at his Tesla plant in Austin, TX, 3,300 workers in California, and roughly 500 workers in Buffalo, NY, after months of union-busting and worker exploitation. In Texas, local governments gave Musk $64 MILLION DOLLARS in tax incentives to set up shop in Austin, in part because of the promise of the jobs he would create, and now he’s firing thousands. It’s a pattern repeated in other parts of the country too, like California, where Musk got a $15 million tax break ‘tied to job creation’. Tesla should not continue to get these massive tax breaks while it’s firing thousands and not taking safety seriously! It needs to live up to its commitments to provide jobs with living wages, strong safety standards and job security. Join this petition to support all states and counties giving Tesla tax breaks and incentives, to do everything they can to push Elon Musk to live up to the spirit of Tesla’s agreements!
    3,568 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Safety At Work
  • Ensuring Healthcare for All: Expanding Medicaid Across Tennessee
    Objective: To extend Medicaid coverage across Tennessee, ensuring access to medical support for low-income families and individuals. The Challenge: Tennessee, like many states, faces a significant public health challenge. Healthcare remains a contentious issue, with Medicaid often at the center of debate. However, more needs to be done to make this essential program accessible to those who need it most. In Tennessee, a substantial number of people cannot afford medical insurance. Roughly 300,000 residents are uninsured, leaving them vulnerable without proper coverage. Existing healthcare programs impose strict eligibility criteria, limiting access for those who need it most. The problem is clear: too many Tennesseans lack access to essential medical support. The failure to expand Medicaid across the state leaves many residents without necessary care. Medicaid expansions in other states have shown success, and we believe Tennessee should follow suit to provide coverage for the uninsured. Without proper medical care, lives are at risk, and public health issues persist. Many Tennessee residents are trapped in a cycle of inadequate healthcare, and it's crucial for lawmakers to act.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marsha Thompson Picture
  • Congress Must Investigate the FMCSA
    The North American Trucking Alliance (NATA) wants the office of Congressman Jim Jordan to bring forth a Judicial Committee investigation on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The NATA and its member groups feel that the FMCSA has not acted in the best interest of driver safety and the public, and could be in violation of Transportation Policy as prescribed in 49 USC 13101 and 49 USC 13904 (e) Regulation to Protect Motor Carriers and Shippers. Also, we feel that the FMCSA may be a captured agency. The FMCSA must be investigated and held accountable for enforcing safety practices, and regulations reviewed for efficacy.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Grosvenor
  • Desert Arc. Helping Those Who Help Others Make A Living Wage
    We would like a living wage for caring for living beings .We do a lot for our clients such as: making schedules, making goals and helping them reach said goals, doing updates of daily notes, dealing with behaviors on all spectrum's. We are their teachers, therapists, behavioral aids, driver - we’re like their second parents. And we never give up on them.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by laura rowell
  • Fairer shift patterns for Grade 2/3’s
    The strain that working 5 out of any 7 shifts puts on your social and family life really affects employees emotionally causing stress, poor mental health and causes issues at home with family. Many have to agree to work overtime just so they can choose ONE day off a week to spend with family and see their children. The forever dangling golden carrot that is the prospect of getting moved up into the core onto an almost, life changing shift pattern is cruel and leaves employees constantly wondering if they will ever make it. A trial run of an alternative to the 5 out of any 7 shift pattern I believe would be welcome by almost every grade 2 and 3 currently working within DP World Southampton.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Peakcock
    We, as the workers of Tacoma Macy's deserve to have fair wages, better health insurance and safer working conditions. Macy’s has refused to provide livable wages or affordable health care for years. It is time for Macy’s to step up do the right thing and pay their fair share.
    2,545 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Macy's Workers 4 Power
  • Natural Grocers: Uphold Your Commitments to Crew and Community!
    We the employees of Natural Grocers - with support of customers and community members - believe that establishing a union to represent us is our only way to have democratic representation and protection at work. We also believe that this would enable the company to better uphold their principals and goals. Summary As a community of employees and customers at the Oklahoma Natural Grocers stores, we have observed a rapid shift within the company in the past several years. Many long-time employees have been fired for minor policy violations that could clearly be addressed with a simple conversation. These firings have come as a deep shock to the wider community, especially given the years of labor, knowledge, and exemplary customer service these employees have brought with them. Other employees with similar knowledge and community relationships have suddenly left after being pressured by the company to quit due to increased corrective actions for minor policy violations. Since the beginning of 2024, we have also observed a concentrated effort at the Norman and Tulsa store locations to accrue write ups - more rapidly than ever before, for minor policy violations that have rarely been punished at this level - particularly for workers who are known to be pro-union. Natural Grocers has also taken steps to impede the rights of their workers to organize by actions such as holding captive audience meetings with a consultant who is known for “union-busting.” Miko Penn of The Crossroads Group has been compensated by Natural Grocers to hold multiple captive audience meetings at the Norman and Tulsa stores. You can see her featured on the “Union Busting” episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and there is further coverage of her work in this article: There is additional evidence of her work on this website: The employees who are organizing are not asking for the world. We have no doubt that Natural Grocers has the capacity to meet the demands of their workers, given that their own reported numbers tell us so (see this link: In 2022, Natural Grocers made a gross profit of 304.9 million dollars. In 2023, Natural Grocers’ gross profit increased by 7.2% to 326.5 million. Also, in 2023, Natural Grocers invested 38 million dollars into new stores openings, store remodels and store relocations. There are also plans to open 2 more locations in 2024.
    4,299 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by NG Community United Picture
  • Casa Bonita Diver Safety
    Currently there are no safety protocols or injury prevention, rehabilitation, tracking, or system for the Dive Team at Casa Bonita. Emergency Action Plans were submitted on December 11th, 2023 and were submitted to legal December 18th, 2023. We were told it would be a two week turn around from that date. There has been no response from legal or upper management since submission. In the meantime, the Dive Team has been denied any ability to practice safety drills and skills by upper management. There is no interim plan and if an emergency occurred there would be no way to safely make a rescue. The dive team has now been diving for 10 months with no approved safety plan. Additionally, there is no system in place that helps manage over use and repeat use injuries. Aqua Captain had submitted several options for Physical Therapy for the dive team since September 5th, 2023 and none have been approved. Workman’s compensation policy does not cover these injuries because frequently divers can adjust dive style to minimize effects on the injury or they can work Dive ASM shifts. The goal is to create a program where we provide PT to divers and assess their progress. Based on injury level and recommendations, make decisions on if they can do altered dives or need to be out of the water. The goal is to create longevity for the team as their is no off season for performance at Casa Bonita. The expectation from the dive team is that our health and safety is considered while at work. We need approved EAPs and a clear plan moving forward to deal with injuries specific to our team.
    2,017 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Bethel Lindsley