To: Idaho Youth Ranch

Unionize IYR 2021

We are not paid enough to make our working conditions tolerable and would like to see a raise effective to a minimum of $15 per hour to all entry level part time and full time employees. We also would like to see disciplinary action taken against coworkers who have been / are verbally hostile. We would like to be offered paid sick leave while working through an active viral pandemic, given that we potentially expose ourselves to the risk of Covid-19 several hundred times a week. Because we work outdoors in a drive-thru lot, there is frequent and daily exposure to car exhaust as well as the drivers of said cars; given the random nature of donors donated boxes being full of assorted, miscellaneous objects, there is frequent exposure to sharp, pointed and / or broken objects that may cut, pierce or puncture the skin regardless of an employee wearing work-provided or work-approved gloves, but there is neither signage nor policy (or if there is, no enforcement of such) that would prevent these circumstances and we would like for that to change as well. Finally, we would like equitable and fair access to the same benefits regardless of position within the store, be it part or full time.

Why is this important?

The only way our working conditions and wages will improve is if we all band together to tell our employers that they are not entitled to our labor until they treat us all much more fairly. Our current wages are barely enough to scrape by when considering that after taxes, there's still a struggle to cover rent, bills, groceries, vehicle maintenance, pets and any unexpected injuries or accidents. Our current working conditions are hostile almost daily, typically in the form of coworkers having disagreements and getting into screaming / yelling matches (often in front of donors and / or customers) that go largely unresolved by management; these disagreements also commonly end in "behind each other's backs" comments that often lead to further disagreements that, again, end in one of these two ways. When asked to help resolve many of these issues, management has commonly responded with some remark about or similar to being "unable" to do anything about it.