• Better Working Conditions for Weis Markets
    Why Is It Important? This campaign is important because the current working conditions at Weis Markets are unsustainable and are causing serious harm to the well-being of employees across multiple departments. The drastic reduction in staffing hours, combined with an increase in workload, has led to burnout, health problems, and mass resignations. These conditions not only negatively impact the employees but also affect the overall performance of the store, leading to lower morale, poor customer service, and operational inefficiencies. The shift in hour allocation based on the number of items sold, rather than department revenue, is directly contributing to these issues. By advocating for a return to the previous system of hour allocation based on department revenue, we can help ensure that all departments receive the staffing hours they need to function properly, employees are not overworked, and workloads are reasonable and achievable. This change is essential to restoring a healthy, productive work environment where employees feel supported, valued, and able to perform their jobs effectively without risking their physical and mental health. Why Should Other People Join? Weis Markets employees across all stores are facing the same challenges: fewer hours, more work, and unreasonable expectations. If we don’t stand together to demand change, these issues will only worsen, driving more of us to burnout and pushing more of our coworkers to leave. By joining this campaign, you’re not only standing up for yourself but also for your coworkers who are experiencing the same struggles. Together, we can push for fairer hour allocation, improved working conditions, and a stronger commitment to employee well-being. This is an opportunity for all of us to ensure that Weis Markets recognizes the importance of its workforce and makes the necessary changes to support a healthy and sustainable workplace. Every voice counts, and by working together, we can achieve real, lasting change.
    1,467 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Employee
  • RAINBOW- heat wave
    1,950 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Bohacek Picture
  • Mental Health Days for Employees
    Many of us feel burnt out due to our high workloads combined with the stress of our daily lives. Mental health days for employees will allow us to take recognized time to care for ourselves without feeling guilty for needing some extra help to get back our 100%.
    1,832 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Serena Rees
  • Tell Aetna/CVS Health -Your employees are not robots and want a REAL LIVING WAGE
    CVS Health claims to care for all of its workers, and constantly states that it has its employees health and wellness in mind, while treating its employees like robots. We shouldn’t have to beg to be allowed to leave our desks for a few minutes to use the bathroom or walk around for a few moments without worrying about going over our metrics, or worrying if we are going to be able to afford food and shelter because of skyrocketing inflation. Our representatives work incredibly hard to make sure our members are taken care of, also while sometimes dealing with abuse and anger from members, or situations that are emotionally difficult. We deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and have compensation that can afford us a decent standard of living.
    4,081 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Morris
  • Congress Must Investigate the FMCSA
    The North American Trucking Alliance (NATA) has found that the FMCSA does not recognize economic conditions prescribed by “Transportation Policy''. This leads to a deleterious effect on public safety. The FMCSA has allowed potentially unfair and destructive practices within the trucking industry. This causes financial strains on small independent carriers, which leads to supply chain issues. Drivers are working under increasingly unsafe conditions, and have struggled with the rising cost of living. Excessively long detention time at docks and poor hours of service rules cause more idle time, affecting drivers and consumers alike. Poor utilization of trucks leads to undercapacity for shipping demands, introducing more greenhouse gasses into the environment, and creating safety issues for all drivers. We find that former administrators and high-ranking employees accept post-government work. with autonomous vehicle truck manufacturers and other positions for lobbying. This raises concerns for a conflict of interest. How do we trust a regulatory agency when its former members work for private companies with special interests in that agency, or the U.S. DOT? These people established working relationships with agency employees, which must be stopped.  Many regulations created by the FMCSA favor corporate interests. Such as the hours of service rules, electronic logging device regulations, Speed Limiters, and claiming preemption over California’s “Meals and Rest Breaks” laws. The NATA believes that the FMCSA is acting like a captured agency. There are far too many issues to list. Your support in this action will help protect drivers' lives, create stronger economic growth in the United States, limit greenhouse gasses in the environment, and reduce the cost of living for American consumers.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Grosvenor
    Macy's in Tacoma has been a long standing institution that employs many. We have recently found out that our store may be closing in the near future. Over 100 Macy’s workers at the Tacoma Mall location including the Furniture Gallery have been bargaining for a fair contract since January. Please support us as we attempt to bargain for dignity and respect during this difficult time.
    2,550 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Macy's Workers 4 Power
  • Goodness can only grow in a fair work environment
    Supporting a coworker's petition can be intimidating, but it’s often the only path to workplace change. With more and more employees supporting a campaign, an employer’s ability to deny the demands of the petition becomes more difficult. Firing an employee covered by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) for signing a petition to improve workplace conditions is illegal under section 8(a) (3) NLRA. The NLRA provides that an employer “may not, by reason of reason, terminate an employee or take any other disciplinary action against the employee for the exercise of the employee’s legal right to improve the conditions of the workplace.”
    2,456 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mza Anderson
  • Amazon Returns are killing Staples workers
    Amazon is getting free labor out of our brick and mortar store, which is supposed to serve our town. Instead, we are now saving Amazon money, a company that is trying to put us out of business. We are now serving Amazon's customers at the expense of our own: Print and Marketing employees are deluged to the point they can't catch up on producing orders or train new associates. Role Clarity is a thing of the past if we can't do our pull lists, cycle counts, and work on our selling culture. We care about our stores. We want them to perform better. Morale is plummeting. If Staples will not stop Amazon returns or increase budgeted hours, employees will leave in droves. We carry the burden of greater workloads with less time for doing our actual jobs, skyrocketing our physical and mental health issues and emotional struggles as mere human beings as we seek to just go to work and maintain our store. We are people who matter. Our stress level matters. We need better strategies to bring customers into our stores. We don't need Amazon to do that.
    4,999 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Staples Worker
  • Tell Trader Joe's: Provide Proper Lactation Spaces for Your Workers!
    Being a new parent, especially a nursing parent, is an incredibly vulnerable experience, both physically and emotionally. Workers in every industry deserve to be supported during this time. But at Trader Joe’s, that’s not happening. Julia’s story is not unusual. We’ve heard from crew members across the country, in both union and non-union stores, with experiences just like Julia’s. Trader Joe’s workers are expected to pump in dusty mechanical rooms, storage attics that are only accessible by ladders, and demo kitchens where they must vie for access with workers preparing food samples for customers. (The images above are actual pumping spaces submitted to us by crew members). Some crew members give up on pumping indoors altogether and pump in their car instead, if they have one. No nursing parent should have to pump in unsanitary, potentially exposed conditions like these. Sign our petition to tell Trader Joe’s to provide sanitary, secure, and comfortable lactation spaces for its workers!
    7,841 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Trader Joe's United Picture
  • Safe Working Conditions in Walgreens Pharmacies to Protect Patient Safety
    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff are often the first point of access for healthcare in the community. And we are the final safety net before a prescription reaches the patient. As such, we must be accountable to the oath of the pharmacist and be constantly vigilant in the world of pharmacy to ensure patient safety is preserved.
    5,686 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by PizzaIsNotWorking CA admin
  • Safe Working Conditions in CVS Pharmacies to Protect Patient Safety
    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff are often the first point of access for healthcare in the community. And we are the final safety net before a prescription reaches the patient. As such, we must be accountable to the oath of pharmacist and be constantly vigilant in the pharmacy to ensure patient safety is preserved.
    5,129 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by PizzaIsNotWorking CA admin
  • Corporate Members: Escape the U.S. Chamber of Commerce + Support Climate Policy Progress
    Pro-climate companies have an opportunity to lead the way when it comes to climate change. But first, they have to escape the influence of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is one of the largest trade associations in the United States. Its members include corporations like Exxon, Shell, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron. It also has a long history of being anti-climate, spending millions lobbying against climate policy progress. Most recently, the Chamber worked to block the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which invested $369 billion in clean energy and policies to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2030. The Inflation Reduction Act is our best shot at avoiding the worst impacts of climate change. Several pro-climate companies, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, are also members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. These companies are known for their climate forward initiatives, which conflict with the actions of the Chamber. Clearly, there’s a disconnect here. To be climate leaders, these companies must stop their support for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s obstruction. It’s time for pro-climate companies to LEAVE the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and LEAD by lobbying for bold and just climate policies at the federal, state and local levels, aligning political contributions with climate leadership and leading pro-climate coalitions in advocating strongly for pro-climate policies. Tell pro-climate companies it’s time to ESCAPE THE CHAMBER.
    2,239 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Climate Voice