• Amazon Returns are killing Staples workers
    Amazon is getting free labor out of our brick and mortar store, which is supposed to serve our town. Instead, we are now saving Amazon money, a company that is trying to put us out of business. We are now serving Amazon's customers at the expense of our own: Print and Marketing employees are deluged to the point they can't catch up on producing orders or train new associates. Role Clarity is a thing of the past if we can't do our pull lists, cycle counts, and work on our selling culture. We care about our stores. We want them to perform better. Morale is plummeting. If Staples will not stop Amazon returns or increase budgeted hours, employees will leave in droves. We carry the burden of greater workloads with less time for doing our actual jobs, skyrocketing our physical and mental health issues and emotional struggles as mere human beings as we seek to just go to work and maintain our store. We are people who matter. Our stress level matters. We need better strategies to bring customers into our stores. We don't need Amazon to do that.
    4,984 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Staples Worker
  • Safe Working Conditions in CVS Pharmacies to Protect Patient Safety
    Pharmacists and pharmacy staff are often the first point of access for healthcare in the community. And we are the final safety net before a prescription reaches the patient. As such, we must be accountable to the oath of pharmacist and be constantly vigilant in the pharmacy to ensure patient safety is preserved.
    5,123 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by PizzaIsNotWorking CA admin
  • Support Mom's Siam Workers
    The workers of Mom's are striving to create a better work environment but have been summarily ignored by the owners. Our staff has created a letter and has been attempting to organize a meeting, but attempts have been stonewalled from ownership. We are asking for your support for a good-faith meeting between ourselves and Sukanya, where we can bring our issues to the table.
    4,128 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Workers Siam Picture
  • Bathroom Breaks
    When working for any full-time company one should be provided with time to perform natural bodily functions while on the clock. If we were physically in the office we would probably not have to clock out to use the restroom and it should be an expectation when working for a company for 40 + hours a week. Holding in bodily functions is not good for anyone especially post-partum moms for example.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Robinson
  • Ikea Workers Against Forced Arbitration
    We are losing our right to a fair trial and jury. It is not a matter of if, but when. While there are exceptions to arbitration, there is nothing stopping that from being changed in the future. After this change, the focus will shift, and Ikea may have an easier time changing the terms without anyone noticing. A jury and fair trial is more fair to the employees, and the company is acting to prevent employees from ever seeing their day in court. If we do not stand up now, this will go into action, and it will get worse. We must stand in solidarity to protect current and future workers.
    3,835 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Garrett Smalls
  • Revert Shift Times at LVO
    This change has caused unnecessary stress as some employees are now barely making it in on time or are forced to show up excessively early, and others post work obligations are also facing interference. The local community is dealing with a huge inconvenience since this change has heavily congested the roads surrounding the plant, in turn this has the potential to lead to an unsafe environment for its residents. By reverting the start times, the company would also be reinforcing its pledge to be a green facility by reducing unnecessary emissions as a result of the abundance of vehicles sitting at idle.
    495 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Carrodo
  • Tell Ally Financial: We Demand Location Flexible Work
    We believe that Ally should encourage, not prohibit, flexible work to build a more diverse and successful company where we can feel comfortable to “be an open, diverse, and inclusive culture” together.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J F
    We all have families and mouths to feed, bills to pay, and we all know prices are skyrocketing because of inflation. Why wouldn't we want to be set up for success and able to make lots of money for our organization and employees. Our guests are very loyal, and deserve better, and so does this crew!! We don't want to risk getting our guests sick or get sick ourselves.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mitch Strait
  • Warby Parker: Lead with Integrity, Keep Your Team Safe & Allow Us to Continue Remote Work
    No one should be forced to risk their lives for work. The pandemic continues to spread throughout this country & throughout Tennessee, and sending everyone back into the office right now is irresponsible - especially when we have proven that we can do our jobs, just as effectively, in the safety of our homes. Stand with us and let Warby Parker know that the safety of their staff should be a priority!
    379 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Chadwick Gasman Picture
  • Classify Samsung US Sales Experts As Employees
    This is a human rights issue. There are LGBTQ+ individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only place who will accept them. These people need to be protected. There are single parents who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as their sole source of income. These people need to be protected. There are disabled individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them the flexibility they need. These people need to be protected. There are college students and dropouts who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them to work from home or their dorm. These people need to be protected. We are human beings who just want to help customers pick out a new phone, television, refrigerator, or laptop. But we'd also like to be treated with respect and be paid a living wage while doing it. We don't want something radical, we want something equitable.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samsung Experts
  • Investigate NYC Health & Hospitals (T2), Optum/UnitedHealth Group and their recruiting agencies
    In order to help stop the spread of this virus and keep everyone safe, we are on the frontlines daily in preventing the spread of COVID-19 infections across NYC, one of the most populated cities. We do this with compassion, empathy and integrity. We can all say that we take pride in doing some of the most important work during this pandemic by helping to fight the spread of COVID-19 as Contact Trace Monitors & Case Investigators. We are notifying the community and their loved ones on a number of resources and offering them public health guidance. We sometimes play the role of disease detective, social work and therapist, yet we are severely underpaid for our contracted or hired roles. We are under immense stress because of abuse of power, toxic workplace culture, lack of transparency and misclassification of employment status. As Contact Trace Monitors & Case Investigators, it's time that we all unite in signing this petition. Please feel free to share with your fellow coworkers and ONLY use personal email address when sharing. Call To Action: ***If these matters are not addressed within 45 days from today, we all agree that this petition be escalated to the media and/or higher government officials***
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Good Citizen
  • We Demand Safety from COVID at Whole Foods!
    While the COVID-19 vaccine is becoming more readily available across the country, Whole Foods workers are still getting sick! Management everywhere are allowing pre-pandemic crowd sizes, despite the country still only being a third vaccinated. Mask mandates are rarely enforced. This isn’t new, Whole Foods workers have been reporting all pandemic that management teams have consistently put workers in danger rather than enforce any meaningful safety protocols with customers. Whole Worker has received reports from workers who were lied to about cleaning crews coming in. We’ve gotten reports of stores where as many as a quarter of store employees tested positive for COVID and where employees were only told to quarantine over a week after management knew they’d worked a shift with someone who had tested positive for COVID. We’ve even heard from stores where management forced employees to open their store without running water, and thus no working bathrooms or water to refill disinfectant, despite this being a violation of company policy, state law, and health codes. We’re tired of being put second in Whole Foods’ pursuit of profit and customer pleasing. No profit line is worth our health and safety. We deserve better and we demand safe working conditions! If you want to connect with other Whole Foods workers taking action for their health and safety reach out to us at https://workerorganizing.org/talk-with-an-organizer/ and a volunteer organizer will be in touch!
    3,088 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee