1,000 signatures reached
To: Brian Niccol
Chipotle Workers Need a Union!

Chipotle workers have kept you and your community fed throughout the pandemic but are not being treated right. Chipotle workers and fellow Fast Food workers in New York City won Fair Workweek and Just Cause protections to turn fast food jobs into good, family-sustaining jobs with stable hours; but workers report that Chipotle has continued to violate these laws, and is treating Black and brown workers as expendable.
Workers are fed up and are organizing a Fast Food Union with 32BJ SEIU for a stronger voice on the job!
We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with Chipotle workers in their fight for a union. We demand that Chipotle Mexican Grill comply with the law and that they respect their workers right to organize a union free from fear and intimidation.
Workers are fed up and are organizing a Fast Food Union with 32BJ SEIU for a stronger voice on the job!
We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with Chipotle workers in their fight for a union. We demand that Chipotle Mexican Grill comply with the law and that they respect their workers right to organize a union free from fear and intimidation.
Why is this important?
Workers are fighting everyday to fight for their rights. They deserve a right to stable work schedules, their premiums and a safe work place. They need your support!