• Temperature testing, covid screening questions and masks provided.
    SAFETY! Several employees at facility have tested positive and facility ran out of mask
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edwin Burrows
  • Bank of the West: Stop Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
    Employees should not be fearful of management or Human Resources, otherwise what is the point of them? Employees should feel comfortable coming forward with sexual harassment or discrimination issues instead of being retaliated against, harassed, bullied, or singled out. Human Resources and management threatening employees jobs or giving verbal warnings unrelated to work performance due to reporting systemic issues within the bank is disgraceful. Our job is to provide customers the absolute best customer service. If our employer does not treat us right, how do they expect us to do our jobs successfully? Turnover is too high at Bank of the West and for good reasons. Management and Human Resources do not care about employees and corner employees into submission to keep their power. We cannot allow this to happen anymore. We should not feel powerless or hopeless. Our workplaces need to be open and inclusive to let the best possible work to come to fruition. Bank of the West needs to act fast to correct these issues and hire a third-party agency to review the corporate sexual harassment policy and diversity and inclusion policy. Additionally, all employees, especially Human Resources and management, need to go through in-depth bias training provided by an organization specializing in diversity and inclusiveness training, fire perpetrators of sexual harassment, and management/employees that blatantly discriminate against minorities and disabled employees.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anon Emp
  • Help Starbucks Partners Keep Their Hazard Pay
    Lots of store’s hours are still reduced, and many partners can’t get the hours that they need to pay bills and live their lives. Partners cannot enforce that customers wear masks, and don’t know if they have been following proper health and safety protocol. Due to this fact, partners are risking their health and safety to serve coffee.
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Elizabeth
  • Philadelphia city workers forced to return to work without testing
    Workers are at risk of becoming infected with the virus from their coworkers.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret McCourt
  • corona exposer risks health welbeing
    This is important because i had never missed a day or been late and i feel like i am being mistreated
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rhonda Curtis
  • Keep Jimmy John's Workers and Customers Safe
    We, the undersigned workers of Jimmy John's are concerned about the COVID-19 Health Crisis, and are worried about how our current work situation is putting us and others directly in harm’s way. We do not feel it is safe to be allowing customers to continue coming into the lobby when the CDC and medical community agree that we have not yet even reached the peak of this crisis. Even with the precautions that management has taken to make things safer, the reality is that our stores are mostly small enclosed spaces, COVID-19 is highly contagious, and cases in Indiana are continuing to rise by the hundreds each day. Also, our state does not have regularly accessible testing so the actual number of confirmed cases and deaths are likely far higher than what they are reported as now. We understand that sales are down, but we believe that management must put the lives of its customers and staff over its own profit. If one of us gets sick and is unable to take paid time off or the lobby is opened then they have significantly greater risk of spreading the virus to the rest of the staff and to customers. We cannot in good conscience put ourselves, our families, and our customers at even greater risk by keeping the lobby open and increasing the amount of direct contact that could likely spread the virus further. The close contact at the register and in the lobby means that anyone taking orders and drivers returning from deliveries come well within six feet of many customers and put both parties at risk.
    2,616 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jimmy John's Workers United - Greater Lafayette
  • Immunocompromised Workers
    Walmart is giving immunocompromised workers 14 days off without penalty of termination. The attendance policy is that we can only miss five days in a 6 month period before we are terminated whether you are ill with the flu or not. With COVID19 our days should be extended.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vicki Martin
  • Hazard pay to ALL warehouse employees!
    I, like most Amazon employees, have a family to come home to and we cannot afford to stay in hotels like some healthcare workers are having the opportunity to do. I have a fiance, a 6 year old and a 10 month old at home and everyday I go into work I feel like I'm risking their lives to help deliver Amazon products to many families getting paid more than me on unemployment and I feel that is very unfair. Especially since my fiance and 6 year old both have asthma and are at a higher risk, I do not feel that Amazon has our health and saftely at heart, just their bottom line and trying to get back to their 2 day delivery promises to its customers.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danika Ordonez
  • Protective Personnel Equipment for All Front Line Workers
    It is important for everyone to stay healthy and to reduce the risk of spreading germs and viruses to those whom we come in contact with. Employers should be encouraging their employees to protect themselves with PPE and create a safe environment for them to work.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joycie Bausch
  • Hazard pay
    We deal with everybodys garabage and recyclable
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Basinger
  • Frontline Grocery Employees Should All Be Tested
    Grocery employees come into contact with countless strangers every day, and this not only puts them and their families at risk, but also the public who depend on them to provide essential supplies. A high percentage of cases are believed to be transmitted by asymptomatic carriers. Waiting for symptoms to present merely compounds transmission and endangers employees and customers alike.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aj Jackson
  • Pay Pizza Hut employees hazard pay
    Because employees feel at risk and afraid because they are dealing with the public and taking a risk everytime they clock in. There are cases of covid in some on the communities in which they work and they continue to come to work amd make the company money while feeling at risk.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Williams