• Hazard Pay for HAZARDOUS WORK---ALL Therapak/Avantor Locations
    We employee's continue to risk our health/lives, AND the health of our families at home, daily for regular pay. We go to work sometimes 6 days/nights a week and are making a good bit less than most people who are out of work due to the virus and are collecting unemployment. We build and distribute all kinds of medical equipment, lab equipment, test kits (COVID-19 Test Kits for starters), and safety equipment/PPE to places all over the country. We are told by our supervisors that they are "protecting us from the virus while we are at work" but yet, WE HAVE NO HAND SANITIZER, LYSOL/DISINFECTANT SPRAY, OR ANY KIND OF DISINFECTANT WIPES. The warehouse location I work at got a letter from the U.S. Department of Labor because of OSHA complaints on March 26,2020. The letter stated our employer "did not follow CDC guidelines by cleaning facility following an employee diagnosis of coronavirus" and they "had not developed an infectious disease preparedness and response plan". Now, if you don't consider that working under hazardous conditions, I don't know what would. What would the employers do if ALL the employees at the warehouse I work at decided enough is enough and walked out until we got hazard pay? Hire more people? Good luck with that. Everyone that is unemployed right now are getting paid to stay home and be safe. Think they want to swap that for a job making $12 a hour and possibly a free dose of coronavirus? Doubt it.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Therapak Employee
  • working under dangerous conditions
    This is important Because we employees are putting our life and our families life in danger by showing up to work everyday. Many of my coworkers feel the same way, we work with a company with over 250 employees on floor. That's not including the employees who work in the office. And they're not not following the guidelines of being 6ft apart. The only time we follow the guidelines is when we enter at the gate. That's only because the cameras are set up at the entrance.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason West
  • Office Depot/office max paid leave whom lives with the elderly/or live with a child
    It is life or death for us and survival and safety of our healths and family we have to make a difference it starts with us .
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann MarinAro
  • Hazard pay for Resources for Human Development Essential employees
    The support staff are the backbone of Resources for Human Development. without us the company doesn't exist. it's time RHD shows some appreciation for all the staff that are risking their lives and the lives of their family coming to work everyday. We serve some of the most at risk people in the country for this deadly virus. I believe our company could make this a little bit easier on the lower level people that are out there every day the current hazard pay policy is not indicative of the values of Resources for Human Development and needs to be revised immediately.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Camillo Melchiorre
  • Bruegger’s Bagels Provide Emergency Paid Leave and Meet with Your Workers
    We as workers, especially immuno-compromised and vulnerable workers, are being forced to risk potential exposure to and spread of the Coronavirus while President and CEO Jose Alberto Dueñas can continue working remotely. We should not have to choose between paying for essential food, rent and medical supplies and compromising social solidarity (a.k.a. social distancing) or exposing ourselves to further risks.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Restaurant Opportunities Center of MN ROCMN
  • Publix: Coronavirus Pandemic
    Publix is SPECIFICALLY not allowing employees to wear masks and gloves to do their jobs in the Deli, Meat and Produce departments who come into close contact with co-workers and customers whom may be carrying coronavirus, they do not have the luxury of social distancing of 6 ft at all times as requested by OUR PRESIDENT. Publix does not allow these employees to wear gloves or masks because it hurts the "Publix image". They changed their policy ONLY after they were scrutinized and a petition was written against them in regards to this same policy, But the policy was clearly only written to save face in the eyes of the public, because this policy only allows select employees to wear masks and the actual VERBIAGE SPECIFICALLY prohibits FOOD PREP WORKERS FROM WEARING MASKS. "The voluntary option to wear masks/surgical masks or dust masks are allowed. Associates in the food prep areas are not allowed to wear masks" These are the people that should definitely be wearing masks and gloves...
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzie Banville
  • Custom Alloy Employees Deserve Hazard Pay
    This is important because Custom Alloy is a part of America’s Defense Industrial Base. Custom Alloy is an essential supplier of parts and assemblies for the Columbia Class Program and Virginia and Ford Class programs. The employees make sure those parts and assemblies are of outstanding quality before leaving the factory. They are risking their lives and their families’ lives in support of our nations military. So please help Custom Alloy employees get hazard pay and back pay.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Custom Alloy Employees
  • Close Big Apple at 2 Park Ave Portland Maine
    This store is highly populated!! This store gets a bunch of customers In and out all day and at least half of our customers are homeless witch means they don't always have a way to shower and what not making hygiene sometimes hard. With that being said having this store open puts many at risk of getting the covid-19
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheena Hall
  • Bartlett Tree Experts: Hourly pay workers need hazard pay now!
    As production arborists and tree care workers, we understand the importance of maintaining safe and healthy landscapes for residents and municipalities. We want to continue the important work that we do to maintain our high standards of care–but most importantly, we want the human health risks we now take in doing so to be acknowledged and valued. We are told that we have choices-We also need pay and security. We are currently not in positions to meet this essential need if we choose to stay home in order to protect our health and well being. Give us the choice to be compensated for hazardous work or to protect ourselves at home and still make ends meet! Como arborists de Bartlett, nosotros entendemos la importancia de mantener la salud y la seguridad de las propiedades. Queremos continuar el importante trabajo que nosotros matenemos- pero mas importante, nosotros queremos ser reconcido por los riesgos de salud que tomamos por a ver trabajado. Dicen a nostoros que tenemos opciones. Pero tambien el pago y la seguridad es un necescidad de vida. Ahora, no tenemos ese pago y seguridad si decidimos quedar en la casa. Denos la opcion tener una compensacion por "hazard work", o la opcion protegernos en casa con pago y seguridad.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bartlett Employees
  • Maintenance workers across the USA
    Because we could die /get sick/ company wouldnt batt an eye because you would be replaced the next day ,and now that person is at risk.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronnie Isom
  • Protect retail & grocery store workers during coronavirus pandemic
    Lots of grateful customers thank us for supporting them. But America’s biggest employers aren’t treating us like heroes, they are treating us like we are their bottomline. Walmart employs many people who are facing the pandemic without paid time off or health insurance. They penalize us when we’re sick and don’t accept doctors’ notes as excused absences. Amazon is hiring hundreds of thousands of employees to meet increasing demand – but most of these jobs are part-time without health care. Even worse, the government’s response so far has specifically excluded most retail and grocery employees – any company with more than 500 employees isn’t required to provide the emergency federal paid sick leave. Working in retail and grocery stores is a lot more dangerous than it was last month. Corporations need to recognize the worth of our work. Thank you for supporting us.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittney Legowski Picture
  • Manager
    This is important because the building is smaller than small bathrooms. And having 10 employees elbow to elbow is breaking the law right now with the Coronavirus pandemic.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rita Watson