• Hazard Pay for Welders and all Skilled Trade job workers.
    Every skilled trade worker has no choice but to come to work. While at work you are putting your health and your family health at risk because you're working around a lot of people. You don't know who's sick. Working in these fields you're putting your health your family health and the general public health at risk. Most jobs like these don't or can't practice social distance or anything else that could help prevent you from getting sick.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by T T
  • Lowe's employees - #STAYHOME
    We are obligated to work, unless we have Covid-19, however, we are being exposed daily by thousands customers visiting our store for non-essential items. Social distancing is a joke, we don't even have anything to disinfect with. Why should we get exposed for inconsiderated people who find themselves bored at home and want to finish there home projects and buy non-essential things like fencing, flooring, lighting fixtures, etc. We have been out of stock on most essential items for a while now, or get small amounts here and there. Lowe's only sees the profits $$$ in this pandemic & not the danger we walk into every day. We have children and families too and trust me, there's nothing essential about Lowe's that is worth risking our lifes and our families for. Lowe's a multi-million dollar company and will be fine with all the money coming from the government in this crisis.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Rodriguez
  • Jersey Mike's Subs is NOT an essential business
    The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 continues to rise throughout the United States. At this current moment of writing, there over 100 thousand confirmed cases in the United States (World Health Organization, March 29th) and approximately 1700 open stores (Jersey Mike's "Locations By State"). If the average store has about 7-10 workers, that is roughly 11-17 thousand employees exposed to hundreds of customers every day. My argument is that by removing Jersey Mike's Subs out of the equation during this global pandemic, we can effectively reduce the potential of infection and diseases for not only our customers but employees as well. As someone who currently works at a Jersey Mike's store - at one particular location that is not even sufficiently designed to sustain the 6ft. social-distancing law - the responsibility of maintaining order without enough resources is starting to become unbearable. I've personally seen customers that will come in with clear indications/symptoms and cough and touch various objects, whether intentionally or not. We do our best to enforce the rules, but I can't (and shouldn't) force someone out of the store. Everyone gives the same reasoning that "it isn't a big deal". So instead, we then have to wait for them to leave on their own accord, stop the entire flow of work in order to disinfect and sanitize with the proper procedures. However, since we have 6 different apps/methods to order, deals which cause individuals to purchase an exorbitant amount of food, and various people walking in at any given moment, we do NOT have the time. So, you may think we should put more employees on during the shift, but that just increases the exact same problem we are trying to avoid. We can't keep up this level of performance without severe implications for our coworker's personal health, and we don't even have the option for various government aid because we are still technically employed. The hours have been cut, yet we are still expected to perform twice the amount of tasks. You claim that we are "Essential", but every day you keep pushing this agenda, you are putting your "Essential" workers on the front line for no personal gain but your own. I enjoy my job immensely, but we all know that we are not "Essential". Jersey Mike's Subs is not "Essential".
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by AP Padalkar
  • Hazard Pay/Paid Time Off from Oerther Foods McDonalds
    Workers of this company are only offered the ability to leave without repercussion of losing their jobs. The safety of this county, state, and country falls in the hands of big businesses caring for small profit gain and not caring for the lives of their employees. Workers are risking their lives working in an environment where their nation cannot practice any form of social distancing thus increasing a huge risk of fatalities not only for workers, but for families behind them at home. Many of these workers cannot afford to leave work but cannot afford to lose loved ones or pay absurd pricing for any sick member of the family. This request shouldn't be a thought, more so a necessity considering we are all humans on this earth and this lack of compassion to update any of the facility of what they plan to do with them is repulsive and inhumane. With this petition i encourage all Oerther Foods/McDonald's employees to stand up for what is right for our homes, communities and our way of living.
    358 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Fuentes
  • Publix: Coronavirus pandemic
    I have family that works at Publix and know people that work at Publix whom fear losing their lives or risk getting their loved ones sick because Publix management was not proactive.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by YVETTE TRIPPLET
  • Pay Murphy USA Employees hazard pay
    The definition of hazard pay by the UN is: "Hazard pay is a form of compensation granted to staff members who have been requested to remain and report for work in duty stations where very hazardous conditions, such as war or active hostilities, prevailed and where the evacuation of families and nonessential staff had taken place." Murphy USA is currently open to the public during this time to provide customers with a much needed service of providing gas, groceries and many other items. Many Murphy USA employees are worried and scared that during these hard times of a pandemic that they or their families will likely contract COVID-19 due to being in contact with customers during their shifts. Thus Murphy USA should be providing employees with hazard pay to compensate them for their extra work and exposure to COVID-19
    659 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Anonymous
  • Please consider raising our pay to Hazardous pay temporarily during Covid-19 epidemic
    It is important because we are going to work every day mandatory dealing with 100+ residents and have to risk bringing something back to our families, furthermore this is like playing Russian roulette because we are risking our lives every shift this is terrifying and we are stressed and experiencing anxiety and lack of sleep due to a fear of contracting the caronavirus. We should qualify for hazardous pay to continue to work during these terrifying conditions.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Johnson Picture
  • Mapco employees DESERVE to be paid hazard pay.
    While states can designate what qualifies as essential, the standard definition of an essential employee is someone that performs work involving the safety of human life and the protection of property, according to the 2013 Essential Services Act, but Mapco employees come in contact ALL day long with potentially infected people whom are spreading the virus. Not only has the number of cases increased in most areas but the number of sales have increased Tremendously!
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Guadalupe Picture
  • NYC Trader Joe's Crew need Safe Work Conditions and Hazard Pay
    Trader Joe’s has a reputation as a store that treats its employees well. However, during the COVID-19 crisis Crew Members have not been treated with the respect and care that we expect from our company. Other companies with worse reputations have done more to protect and compensate and communicate with their employees. The center of the crisis has moved to New York City, and as front-line essential employees who are partly responsible for keeping NYC fed and healthy, we deserve to be treated with respect and protected from illness.
    2,310 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by NYC Crew Members For a Safe Workplace
  • Hazard Pay
    Because our health is at risk.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry STUCKEY
  • Haven't done anything
    My girlfriend works for Dollar General and since this pandemic started they haven't done or said anything to their employees. Except getting on to my girlfriend and the other employees for getting overtime. I work for Krogers and they have done more than what Dollar General has -- that's kinda shitty, honestly.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D W
  • Before a fever! The Goal is to prevent infection
    RRMS needs to be transparent about the heightened risks of an in office work model during a pandemic and offer employees an opportunity to decline these working conditions. I am sincerely trying to offer suggestions on how this company can be resilient.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcela Hurtado