Hazard pay is a form of extra compensation given to employees for performing dangerous duties. We here on the frontlines of this pandemic are putting our lives at risk as well as our families. It is physically, mentally and emotionally taxing on staff members.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dusty Rose
  • Instacart Hazard Pay and Guaranteed Closure Pay
    According to the UN, hazard pay is “a form of compensation granted to staff members who have been requested to remain and report for work in duty stations where very hazardous conditions, such as war or active hostilities, prevailed and where the evacuation of families and nonessential staff had taken place.” We are in the middle of a global crisis. Instacart — and grocery stores at large — are ensuring our communities can safely and comfortably quarantine/self-isolate. The workers shopping in the stores have not received fair compensation for the essential service we are providing. Instacart has offered to reimburse sick time for any worker who becomes ill for up to two weeks. That is insufficient — it requires workers to work until they get sick before they can receive any compensation for putting their health in danger, and it does nothing to answer concerns of the underinsured should they become ill. Grocery stores and hospitals are on the frontlines right now, but grocery store workers don’t have access to the same precautions and resources as hospital workers. Hazard pay and guaranteed closure pay provides security, comfort, and increased morale knowing our company supports us.
    197 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Jones
  • Compensation and Staff Support During Covid-19 Health Crisis
    Employees continue to work at the risk of their own health during a global pandemic in an environment that does not follow social distancing protocol and has a rotation of staff from several surrounding counties that come and leave the facility as frequently as daily. This leaves clients and employees in a vulnerable position as Covid-19 is very contagious and potentially deadly. Employees of Mountain Valley Child and Family Services are asking that the following requests be reviewed and considered as compensation for the risk they are posing to their own health for the benefit of a company that was built on the foundation of Welfare, Safety, Security, and Care for All. MVCFS providing employees with compensation for their extra work and exposure to COVID-19 also provides security, comfort, and increased morale knowing our company has our backs.
    138 of 200 Signatures
  • CORT: Reinstate Terminated Workers/ Provide COVID-19 Protections Now
    CORT has not provided our New Jersey warehouse with adequate protections from the spread of COVID-19. We did not receive gloves or eye protection until March 20, 2020, and closing business on Wednesdays will not reduce transmission among employees. Contracted trucks are not reducing our risk of exposure as the furniture they are unloading may carry coronavirus. Many of our requests are practices recommended by the CDC. We trust that you will do the right thing to protect the health of CORT employees, our families, and our customers.
    189 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Walter Infante
  • Cheesecake Factory: Pay your employees
    So many of the workers at The Cheesecake Factory have their own families and bills to pay. After 03/17/20 hours were zeroed and cut dramatically. Image credit: Anthony92931
    1,822 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tyson Evans
  • Arc of the Ozarks - DSP Hazard Pay
    “ Since The Arc of the Ozarks' beginning in 1964 the overall goal has been to bring about a significant change in attitude towards individuals with developmental disabilities. Operating as a nonprofit organization, we strive to hear the needs of individuals and families and explore ways to fund solutions that best meet those needs. We today serve the southwest Missouri community with a list of live, work, play and learn services including residential, employment, community integration, education and recreation, dual diagnosis services and autism services. ” Arc staff assist the individuals in their day to day lives, with anything and everything they need. The rely on us and most cannot survive without their staffs help. We put ourselves at risk every day coming into work to ensure that they are taken care of, and it is important that staff are compensated appropriately. It is important that these employee’s are fairly compensated for the risk and exposure that they face coming to work, as well as the risk of getting their families sick. If you support the motion that these employee’s should see fair and just compensation for their sacrifice please: Sign up for the petition and share with any Arc employee that is dedicated to the cause. Thank you for your support
    435 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Arc of the Ozarks Employee Picture
  • Lift all restrictions on YogaWorks teachers' sick pay immediately
    We earned this sick pay. It rightfully belongs to us and we need it now more than ever. Please show us that you care for us, who have cared for this company, rather than caring most about profit and private equity. We are writing this at the eleventh hour, as more and more people are unable to work and are becoming sick. Nobody anticipated the extent of the public health crisis we are in, but here we all are. The future is uncertain, but the hours of work that we have put in to accrue our sick pay are undeniable. Please respond at once with affirmation that we will get the sick pay we deserve. Unionize Yoga/ YogaWorks New York Teachers
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Unionize Yoga
  • Dollar Tree hazardous environment
    Its important to me because we employees are working in the public. Without sanitizing supplies. I would like for Dollar Tree to remained closed. Until thus virus is at least contained.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mariah Taylor
  • Crete Carrier Corp hazard pay for high risk employees aka shops
    Your asking us to put our lives at risk while others get to stay home. Most other big corporations are paying hazard pay to most prone personal with is shop personal!! So make this right your asking for us put our lives on the line that can potentially be deadly to us for the same pay. Be fair and pay us the hazard pay we deserve!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Bob
  • Waiver of Signature Confirmation.
    As a result of the current pandemic, it is not safe for both the customer nor the worker to interact in a fashion that increases their chance of getting the Coronavirus.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roosvelt Durosier
  • Hazardous Pay
    Because we can't afford to not work but to face the public daily is putting ourselves at risk and our families. During this outbreak of coronavirus... WE SHOULD BE COMPENSATED FOR KEEPING YOUR COMPANY OPEN!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Greene
  • Hazard Pay
    Due to the coronavirus outbreak employees are risking their lives to come to work to serve the public at the risk of their own families and their own safety being at risk of infection.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Price