• Dining Workers Contract Proposal
    Dining workers are essential workers and right now their labor is not valued by the administration. The college said they could afford to pay us $100/hr but that we don't deserve it. Especially during a pandemic, we can't feel pressured to work while sick. We need to get back to the bargaining table and win a fair contract!
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Grinnell SJP Picture
  • DoorDash: Publicly Commit to Paying Dashers a Living Wage
    As a dasher, you pay for your own gas, upkeep on your vehicles, and you are not paid for time spent waiting for a pickup. The CEOs of the companies you work for are mega-rich, but you are not afforded basic benefits such as health care or paid time off. And while prices have increased for customers through vague service fees to cover substandard benefits, much of that money will never make it into the hands of workers. Under the new law in California, delivery workers of DoorDash will receive almost half of the IRS rate for mileage, only .30/mile. No matter where you come from, the color of your skin, or the work that you do, a job should help you pay the bills and leave you time with your family. In exchange for your time and effort, you should earn the pay and benefits that provide for a good living and a bright future. Working via an app and setting your own hours shouldn’t mean making pennies and having no safety net if you get sick or injured. It doesn’t have to be this way. A company worth almost $3 billion is able to pay you a living wage - they are just choosing not to. DoorDash drivers deserve better pay. Sign if you agree.
    4,204 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Gig Workers Rising
  • 7901's Petition for Change
    Sharon has caused multiple amazing employees to lose all motivation do their job, or to even show up for their job. The employees dread coming into work because they know the unfair situations in which we must work in. Sharon condones rude selfish behavior with her favoritism towards a single employee who refuses to follow our standards or even learn her duties to the fullest extent. Sharon let's her do anything she pleases, including treating the other staff like they are below her, doing the bare minimum and less of her duties, taking breaks and leaving whenever she wishes, spending most of her shifts on the phone, and then retaliates against the honest hardworking employees that speak up against the unfairness. She has caused our store to suffer and our guests to become disgruntled by the constant disruptions in our workplace. After months of asking for fair change, Sharon has done nothing but turn a blind eye to Jennifer's disturbances to the crew and retaliation against those who complain. Sharon is constantly mocking and spewing out profane and racial slurs against our customers, employees and anyone else who dares to speak against her personal views inside and even outside of the store. She is highly unprofessional and not fit to run a staff if she refuses to change her ways and drop the ongoing discrimination as well as exposing contagious employees to work shifts that she could easily fill with a healthy employee.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Applebee's Employees Chillicothe, MO 7901
  • Guy Fieri: Put an End to discrimination at LIVE Casino, Westmoreland County
    SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE! Although Black workers at Guy Fieri’s Kitchen & Bar Westmoreland have more professional experience, they are being paid LOWER WAGES than their white counterparts. This was brought to light following a recent racially charged incident, where a restaurant manager openly used the word “N****R” in front of several employees, while ordering a worker to turn off the music. Nate Ridley, a Black worker who was present when the racist remark was made, formally filed a complaint with LIVE! Casino’s HR department after the incident and put in his two weeks notice. It is unacceptable that the job he was once excited about had allowed such discrimination and disrespect to happen. The HR department did not immediately respond to Ridley’s grievance and he was expected to continue to work alongside the manager who made the racial slur. Ridley then connected with ROC-PA, which led to the discovery of the pay disparity between Black and white workers. When management was asked about the pay discrepancy, workers were told not to discuss wages with others. After ROC first circulated this petition, the LIVE! Casino’s HR department finally responded, saying that they would “look into the situation.” The management advised workers to “be careful signing petitions.” To date, Ridley has yet to receive an apology from the upper management of Guy’s Kitchen & Bar. We believe that everyone has the right to a workplace free of discrimination and harassment. As employees, we demand accountability, action and fair wages!
    3,376 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Bobbi Linskens
  • Pay minimum wage for food food runnners
    They make less than a server and do all the servers work for them. It’s not equal pay. And can’t live off 2.83 an hour.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess J
  • C is for Change - End unreasonable production demands at Cigna
    A very large portion of your call representatives are on the verge of quitting and live in constant fear of being fired. We are mentally drained, exhausted, frustrated, and our mental and physical health is suffering. Unfulfilled promises to IMPROVE and THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE INSTEAD OF BETTER!!!!
    3,056 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Cigna Call Center Reps for a better work Environment-Nationwide
  • Justice for George Mason University Campus Workers
    Our tax and tuition dollars are driving poverty for immigrant workers at George Mason University. The university should pay people a decent wage and have high standards for all contractors. Their janitorial staff are forced to come to work after being exposed to COVID, they are shorted on hours and intimidated. On construction projects, the contractors use labor brokers that violate labor laws. We want GMU to adopt a strong responsible contractor policy. We want the new Virginia Square campus in Arlington to be built by union workers who have more job protections, and have apprenticeship opportunities for people in our community.
    2,539 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Keith Willis
  • Tell Whole Foods' billionaire bosses to protect their employees and customers
    Whole Foods can afford to do better. The grocery store chain and its parent company, Amazon, are raking in profits during the pandemic. To slow the spread of the virus among Whole Foods employees and customers, CEO John Mackey needs to immediately institute a permanent comprehensive paid leave policy. That includes guaranteed paid sick time, paid family and medical leave, and paid time off to be vaccinated. Join us and Whole Foods employees in calling on Whole Foods to live up to their virtues by giving their employees the opportunity to put their wellness and their families first now and in the future.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bridget Shea
  • We Demand Restoration of Break Time!
    Almost exactly a year ago, we saw corporations calling grocery workers “heroes” — what a difference a year makes! A new company-wide policy on team member meal and rest periods which went into effect on February 8th has shortened our breaks from 15 minutes to 10. The policy change has affected different regions in different ways. Many stores offered two paid 15 minute breaks per shift - under the new policy, all they get is 10. Some stores offered workers a paid 30 minute lunch break - under the new policy, that break will no longer be paid. Whole Foods claims that they are doing this to “streamline regional processes and policies.” In reality, they are bringing every store in America down to the bare minimum. This policy was designed to offer us as little break time and as little pay as the law will permit. Jeff Bezos' net worth grew by $75 billion last year. Now Amazon/Whole Foods is forcing their lowest paid employees to sacrifice paid rest time on the job. Is this how we’re thanked for working through a pandemic? We risk our lives every day to keep these stores stocked and clean. We’ve earned our breaks! Let’s send a message to Amazon and Whole Foods: these changes are unacceptable. If you’re a Whole Foods worker and you want to fight back, reach out to us. Together, we can hold Whole Foods accountable for its unfair policies. In Solidarity, Whole Worker and the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee
    5,220 of 6,000 Signatures
  • We Demand Tips in the Drive Thru
    Burgerville workers have demanded hazard pay in the past, and Burgerville has denied these requests. Now there is a way for workers to get increased pay at no cost to Burgerville: credit card tips at the drive thru. Workers feel this urgency now more than ever. Due to management error, credit card were briefly enabled at the Convention Center Burgerville in November. This resulted in workers making an extra $5 an hour from the generous contributions of appreciative customers. The community of customers have demonstrated they want to tip when they are given the opportunity, and this gesture makes a huge difference in worker compensation. This is the pay they deserve as they risk their life to serve customers.
    1,076 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Burgerville Workers Union
  • Justice for Sonic Employees
    Carhops at Sonic are paid a tipped wage of 5 dollars an hour. Since we are a fast food establishment, many customers don't realize that we are tipped workers. Including a prompt to tip your carhop in the check-out will communicate that carhops must be tipped. During my time at Sonic, I've had several customers ask why they can't tip on the card. Staff is expected to wear a mask at all times, to mitigate the spread of covid-19. However, there is no policy that requires that customers extend the courtesy. This puts employees at greater risk, because masks are effective at containing pathogens, in other words they are only effective if both parties wear them. Sonic has the responsibility to provide a safe working environment. In late January Sonic began rolling out card tips for orders through the Sonic app. This is a step in the right direction, but this only makes up a small percentage of card orders. We must push them to update the software in the stalls as well.
    8,296 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Zella Roberts
  • Extend Unemployment Payments & Ensure Overpayment Relief for Gig Workers
    More than 7.3 million gig workers, independent contractors, and self-employed workers will see their unemployment benefits cut on December 26 if the government doesn’t act. Millions of people who work for gig companies, such as Uber and Lyft drivers, were directed to apply for unemployment benefits through the federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program when the COVID-19 pandemic began. Only some have been able to access state unemployment benefits. In any event, these benefits were—and continue to be—extremely meager. The average payment given to workers is between $114 and $357 a week—below the poverty line in most states. Now, some people who were directed to apply for PUA are even being notified that they have been overpaid and may be responsible for returning the overpaid amount . This is not only unrealistic, it is inhumane. Many gig workers are behind on rent and struggling to keep food on the table, and do not have extra cash on hand to return to the state. While drivers, couriers, and shoppers are struggling to stay safe and pay their bills, gig corporations have gotten richer and have not paid a dime into state unemployment insurance funds. For example, through misclassifying their workers, Uber and Lyft avoided paying a total of $413 million into California’s unemployment insurance fund between 2014 and 2019. Sign on today and stand with gig workers who are demanding an extension on their benefits and relief for any overpayment.
    671 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gig Workers Rising