• Starbucks Board Needs to Get Their Heads Out of the Sand and Treat Union Organizers with Respect
    Many petitions exist for specific Starbucks issues. Others ask for our support in being pro-union. Some place partners in a precarious situation and so they are afraid to speak up. While it is frowned upon to retaliate against workers, the law is slow, unevenly enforced, and often not harsh enough to deter companies from behaving this way. For example, if an employer is deemed to have wrongfully terminated an employee, they are only required to rehire and “back pay” but they are allowed to dock any wages made at another job during that time. For more information on unfair treatment and the history of the labor movement, I highly recommend Steven Greenhouse’s “Beaten Down, Worked Up” book or the ACLU’s summary on legislation linked below. This petition is for everyone who is cringing at how the company they used to be proud of working for is behaving. For those who want the mud-slinging to stop. For those who want to show their dissent but don’t know how. For partners that have tried talking to their managers and up the chain of command and are tired of dead ends. For anyone who wants corporate to stop closing their eyes with their fingers in their ears— to make them to acknowledge that what they’re doing is ugly and hard to watch, for workers, customers, and onlookers alike. Baristas are pouring their hearts out into #whyweorganize and it is highlighting disturbing trends and actions by a company that hides behind virtue signaling. Other links: - https://inthesetimes.com/article/union-busters-starbucks-labor-buffalo - https://www.nlrb.gov/news-outreach/nlrb-administrative-law-judge-finds-starbucks-illegally-retaliated-against-two - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/starbucks-fired-union-leaders-labor-law_n_6204166be4b083bd1cb94d8f/amp - https://time.com/6150391/starbucks-cassie-fleischer-union-fight/ - https://www.aclu.org/other/collective-bargaining-and-civil-liberties - https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/hialeah/article259339379.html - https://apps.nlrb.gov/IssuedDocument/YOOHM6SZ1O6BCDP5EBWB3Y4ZYWYOUCCDYH2PRYTFGMMSVK34CBT63BE6GV4JDJGN50AB1205
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Cavulli
  • Warby Parker: Lead with Integrity, Keep Your Team Safe & Allow Us to Continue Remote Work
    No one should be forced to risk their lives for work. The pandemic continues to spread throughout this country & throughout Tennessee, and sending everyone back into the office right now is irresponsible - especially when we have proven that we can do our jobs, just as effectively, in the safety of our homes. Stand with us and let Warby Parker know that the safety of their staff should be a priority!
    379 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Chadwick Gasman Picture
  • All Service Workers Deserve At Least $15 Plus Tips On Top
    We all deserve the basic right of being able to survive with our wage, of being able to afford to feed our families, pay for the roof over our heads, and be able to eat, like every other working professional. Because we are professionals, and we should be compensated fairly. If every other industry is paid at least the minimum wage, then we must not stand for even one penny less! Any time the minimum wage is discussed servers are completely left out of the conversation, and we won’t stand for it anymore. No one can survive on the subminimum wage of $2.13/hr in many states, or $4/hr in DC, or even $10/hr in NY!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Giovanna Achebe
  • Classify Samsung US Sales Experts As Employees
    This is a human rights issue. There are LGBTQ+ individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only place who will accept them. These people need to be protected. There are single parents who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as their sole source of income. These people need to be protected. There are disabled individuals who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them the flexibility they need. These people need to be protected. There are college students and dropouts who rely on Samsung US and iAdvize as the only job that will allow them to work from home or their dorm. These people need to be protected. We are human beings who just want to help customers pick out a new phone, television, refrigerator, or laptop. But we'd also like to be treated with respect and be paid a living wage while doing it. We don't want something radical, we want something equitable.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samsung Experts
  • Sonoma County Community Members Demand Justice at Amy's Kitchen
    Sonoma County is a community that cherishes local businesses and rewards those businesses who commit to socially responsible practices. However, we believe that a business' commitment to social responsibility must extend to those who make sure our local businesses are successful and who's hard work creates their profits: their workers. Amy's kitchen promotes itself as a socially responsible vegan food company committed to progressive values. But workers at its food processing plant in Santa Rosa began to speak out publicly about unsafe conditions, low wages, inadequate healthcare and talk about unionizing with the Teamsters. In response, the company has cracked down on whistle blowers and has hired several high-paid anti-union consultants to combat the organizing effort. These actions, from unsafe work environments resulting in worker injuries to union busting tactics are not reflective of a company with a commitment to social responsibility and "progressive" values. This is not a campaign "against" Amy's. It is a call for them to do the right thing and stay true to their professed values. As a progressive community that supports workers and their right to organize for better conditions, we say to Amy's kitchen: listen to your workers! Stop union busting!
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mark Malouf
  • Stop Putting Profit Over People
    This is extremely important because this company needs to realize that we are people and deserve to be treated better and paid properly. We work hard for our tips and it is completely unfair that although the guest is not forced to tip me, I am forced to tip out the food runner, whether I made money or not. We are already not getting paid any extra with the virtual kitchens they've put in place without our consent, which are completely exploiting us for Corporate greed but now they're literally taking money from our pockets to pay the staff for a new role that they chose to add, that no one needed or asked for.
    8,189 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Alexandra Torres Picture
  • Portland Workers Deserve Fair Wages
    We all deserve stable, livable wages and we all deserve to be able to feed our families, and pay for the roof over our heads like every other working professional. During the pandemic tips went down, guests became hostile, and sexual harassment went way up! We, service workers, are professionals and need to be compensated fairly. In Maine, workers earning under $15/hr comprised 70% of all workers receiving food stamp benefits. The tipped wage disproportionately impacts women and people of color. In Maine, women make up 79% of tipped workers. By raising the minimum wage to $15/hour for all workers we would lift 77,626 Mainers out of poverty, a 53% reduction in poverty, and reduce the economic inequality for women and people of color. The pandemic has only made things worse for workers in the service industry. Thousands of tipped workers have left the industry because conditions have gotten so bad. > 53% of workers are considering leaving the industry > 70% of whom indicate that they are leaving due to low wages and tips > 78% say the only factor that would cause them to remain in the industry would be a livable wage with tips on top. Maine small business restaurant employers have been voluntarily raising wages to recruit talented staff that would allow them to fully reopen. However, these small business employers need support: They need a level playing field to ensure all businesses are raising wages together, so that they are not at a competitive disadvantage. The real solution to the labor shortage is to pay fair and livable wages so that workers can return to the industry that they left.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Giovanna Achebe
  • Fair Wages for All Illinois Restaurant Workers
    We all deserve the basic right of being able to survive with our wage, of being able to afford to feed our families, pay the roof over our heads, and be able to eat, like every other working professional. We are professionals who should be compensated fairly. If every other industry is paid at least the minimum wage, then we must not stand for even one penny less than minimum wage!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Giovanna Achebe
    It is better to try and fail than to fail to try. I should not have to tell you why you need to support this fight. You worked for this benefit for most of your working life. Air Canada told us over and over again we would retire with all of our benefits. We did right up until 2013 when the company decided to bargain away travel priority for long term contracts. It is not very nice to travel 50 or70 miles to an airport only to find out your not getting on. Think of the costs.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Dennie
  • Don't cut pay from us hardworking technicians during a COVID-19 leave of absence.
    Other people, especially my fellow health-care coworkers, should join my petition because we deserve to be valued more. Cvs can afford to support their employees at the "low totum pole" retail stores...we are their bread winners anyway!
    3,545 of 4,000 Signatures
  • We Won't Apply Until You Pay $15 plus tips on top!
    Across the country, restaurant workers are refusing to work for poverty wages. Over a million workers have already left the industry due to low wages and tips. Of those who remain, 54% say they're leaving, and 80% say they won't come back without a full, livable wage with tips on top. In response, thousands of small and medium-sized restaurants are raising wages to recruit staff. But Darden, which leads the National Restaurant Association, not only refuses to genuinely raise its wages, but is also lobbying to keep the minimum wage for tipped restaurant workers at $2.13 at the federal level. As long as they lobby against wages going up, and refuse to pay their own workers, no one should apply. We should all be getting a fair, regular, hourly wage plus tips on top! Darden makes so much money off of worker backs, and we are tired of it. The company AND the workers can all flourish together. The company can be successful AND it can pay workers fair wages. In CA, OR, WA, AK, MN, MT, Darden Restaurants are already paying workers a fair wage PLUS tips (because they are mandated to, by law), and they are still making bank! There’s no reason that Darden can’t do this in all 50 states! In many US states, they are paying workers $2.15 + tips and this has got to stop. Darden CEO Gene Lee said, “Now there may not be enough service workers on the staff of every restaurant in America, but there’s enough service workers out there to staff Darden’s restaurants.” NO THERE AREN’T! PAY US FAIRLY OR WE WON'T APPLY TO YOUR RESTAURANTS!
    2,480 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mari G
  • FT/PT why not same pay scale at Publix
    The same job class should be paid equally for performing the exact same job! It shouldn’t matter if you are PT or FT. It is especially difficult if you are a single parent or sole income earner.
    4,025 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Publix Associate