• ESS (Source4Teachers) must be held accountable
    Because of their classification of us, we do not qualify for regular unemployment benefits. We're not given the same benefits, we're not given the same paid time off, we're not even allowed in the union - at least not the way my district negotiated ESS's contract, I can imagine this is true elsewhere. It's ludicrous that I could work alongside district hired employees who have Union representatives to be their voice & hold the school accountable during this very uncertain time. Subcontracting teacher's aides, especially special education ones, like me, is bad for students, staff & the reputation of the school. It also entirely disenfranchises aspiring educators, like myself, who took a permanent position with a school to fund my way to teacher certification. Now, why would I even bother....? I'm sure many are in my position & that needs to change now for the future of education. Forbes named them a best largest employer for 3 years in a row, at the very least that needs to stop.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany Coughlin
  • Tazza d'Oro Barista Solidarity Petition
    Why are we making these requests? We all care deeply about Tazza d’Oro and the people that we serve, but we cannot continue to work if it is unsafe and our basic needs aren’t met (ie. health insurance and clear status’ of pay). We want to continue to work at Tazza d’Oro, but we want it to be a better work environment, one that is safe for ourselves and customers. Many of these requests were in front of mind prior to COVID19, but the pandemic has made their need even clearer. Again - we love our jobs. We would like to return. We just request that we are treated with transparency from management and dignity, as we the baristas provide the efficacy and sustainability of the company.
    821 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Shussett
  • Hazard Pay and Paid Sick Leave for Domino's Employees
    As food service workers, Domino's employees are considered essential workers, providing food to their communities. However, workers in the stores have received little to no benefits to compensate us for the added risks we are now under. We also have very little safety nets should any of us fall sick. We are taking care of our communities and deserve to be fairly compensated for it. We deserve to be taken care of.
    5,002 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by L Samuelson
  • Enforce Social Distancing at Sherwin Williams
    Employees deserve to feel safe. As a "sales driven" company district and store managers have many reasons to not follow optional procedures as it can effect their bonus payments. Employees have become frustrated, angry, scared, or just plan overwhelmed by the changing policies and lack of enforcement. No guarentee of pay has been made which leaves employees feeling like they just endanger themselves to earn a living. We ask that all store employees have a say in optional policies. If one employee is not comfortable then no one should be able to side step the policy. We ask that curbside is clarified that no one has to load paint into a customer's vehicle if they are not comfortable. We ask that a barrier is set up to prevent customers from opening or crowding doors. We ask that the company offer employees leave with a guarentee that they will have a job when they come back. We ask that a portal for concerns be opened with a guaranteed response from someone hire than district management to discourage district management from intimidating employees.
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Peters
  • Prove Pizza Hut employees that you're grateful: Pay 'Hazard pay' & 'Paid Sick Leave'!
    1. Your employees, once labeled "expendable" and "non-essential", have been on the front lines providing the best customer service to your customers since before this pandemic begun. The difference now is that you just realized how essential these employees actually are to your multimillion dollar company, they are literally the ones keeping your company alive. 2. These employees are now working under extremely hazardous conditions where they run the risk of contracting COVID-19, it would be the humane thing to compensate them for putting themselves at risk to keep your company afloat. 3. Many of these employees are susceptible to the harsh effects that covid-19 can cause. Some employees run a higher risk than others, but with no other choice but to work because finances have become an even bigger necessity during this time, many are forced to run that risk. 4. It is inhumane to exploit your employees during this pandemic (and even when not experiencing a pandemic) for the work that they are able to provide, and sometimes forced to provide on the grounds that they can be fired for not wanting to risk their lives for $14 an hour, and not AT LEAST consider the hazardous conditions they are put through and warrant the use of Hazard pay & paid sick leave for those that are not able to come to work because they don't want to risk getting others sick. 5. It is extremely important that you understand how much you rely on these employees as much as they rely on you for their biweekly checks to be able to make ends meet. These employees are essential, they are the backbone of Pizza Hut, and they do their best to please customers and hit sales. 6. It is important that you act with empathy during a pandemic and truly show your employees that you care about them and their families. Not by insulting them with free food, but by giving them a bonus for all their hard work even during a crisis in which they run the risk of being infected all to keep your company running.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Rodolfo Gonzalez
  • Demand Spec's Give Employees a bonus or a raise with back pay starting with COVID-19
    Several coworkers have voiced their inability to pay their rent, myself included, due to their roommates or significant others finding themselves with no source of income.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew W
  • Meriter Hospital Workers Demand Respect!
    As healthcare workers, we are experts at providing care to others. To make it through the COVID-19 pandemic, we must also advocate for each other. If we are not safe and our voices are not respected, then our patients are not safe. Please join us in signing your name and encourage all your coworkers to do the same!
    1,939 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin Picture
  • Protect the Lives and Health of Luggers During the COVID-19 Epidemic
    We are putting our lives, our health, our families’ health, and the well-being of our communities at risk! Luggers continue to demand that Lugg treats its workers with respect and dignity, as things have not improved since we launched our first petition: https://www.coworker.org/petitions/treat-luggers-with-dignity-and-respect Since stay-at-home orders started due to the COVID-19 Epidemic, Lugg has been asking that we pair-up with our moving partners, and sit inside our vans for hours without dispatching any jobs, therefore not getting paid, and being exposed to Coronavirus. We have not received proper training or protective gear to respond to the crisis, and we are not given the opportunity to clock-out and comply with stay-at-home orders. Instead, we are being constantly asked to begin shifts earlier, and then Support makes us wait for hours without work and without pay. If we leave, they demote us, scold us, or punish us for not being available - even when there is no work!
    786 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Luggers Make a Move
  • Macy's people before profit
    Our health and lives are more important than selling high end clothing and make-up online. Several people have had the symptoms of coronavirus but denied testing
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Lewis
  • Taco Bell’s employees and COVID-19
    For the safety of all Taco Bell employees, customers and their families. We the undersigned workers of Taco Bell are concerned about the Covid 19 Health Crisis, and we are worried about how our current work situation is putting us and others directly in harm’s way. Taco Bell hasn’t even considered any sort of bonus or hazard pay raise during this COVID-19 outbreak. McDonald’s, Subway, Arby’s, and most other fast food restaurants that have now been deemed “essential” are getting $2-3 pay raises. Some jobs have given their employees hazard pay and they aren’t working either because the business closed. We’re put at risk and putting our families at risk every day that we go to work for Taco Bell. We are told to change gloves and wash hands between the customers. However, we aren’t given enough staffing to allow us to take these precautions and maintain the company’s desired drive through times without getting questioned about why we aren’t working fast enough. We asked our store manager if we can wear a face mask at work to protect ourselves and he said the regional general manager told him that if an employee feels uncomfortable enough to wear a face mask then that is on them and they need to go home. The regional general manager indicated this is because wearing masks “creates panic and fear”. We say NO! WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC right now and people are being advised by the CDC to wear masks to protect themselves. Finally, Taco Bell recently had a “Free taco for every customer (obviously in the car) WITHOUT PURCHASE NECESSARY”. Those of us that worked that day know it was the busiest we’ve seen the store since the Corona pandemic began and we have recently been informed they’re going to have another one on the 7th! Corporate is literally encouraging people to come to their store in the midst of the pandemic! April 2nd in the morning there was one case in Dixon, as of 4pm that day there were two and due to what we know about asymptomatic carriers there are likely many more than that. A business losing a few weeks to a month of business isn’t as important as endangering our lives and the lives of our children. By signing this petition we are standing together to demand management make changes before something happens to one of us. If one of us gets sick, we all get sick! Consequently, we respectfully and formally request that Taco Bell make immediate improvements to our paid time off and workplace health and safety policies. Specifically, we want to request: That, ideally, the store close until further notice and provide everyone paid leave until reopening. If the business would be existentially threatened by our first improvement then we request that management support employees and workplace safety by providing a month paid leave to stay home for any employees who have been exposed to COVID-19, show symptoms of COVID-19, test positive for COVID-19, have underlying conditions putting them at greater risk, or live with children or elderly individuals at greater risk. For those that continue to work we request proper personal protective equipment such as abundant latex gloves, face masks, and hand sanitizer in the store. We also request a $3 hazard pay increase for all those that choose to work during this crisis. We engage in this collective, concerted activity under the protection of Federal Law, specifically, Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. We are also prepared to engage in further actions that are also protected by the Act, as well as collective action designed to safeguard our immediate health and wellbeing from imminent danger as defined by OSHA, Standard number 1977.12 (b) (2).
    10,616 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by TacoBellWorkersUnited At gmail dot com
  • Cemex - Take Care of Your Frontline Workers
    Infrastructure is very important to keep on building but us employees are putting our lives and the lives of our families at risk. First of all, nothing is worth the risk of a profit. It is understood that nobody asked for the circumstances we find ourselves in. Shutting operations down, and sending employees home with pay is the only humane thing to do -- please do not wait until someone from the Cemex family dies. If you do force us to work, we demand that you provide the staff with n95 masks and Hazard pay. We hope you will be the global leader that you are. Sincerely, Your Frontline Workers
    648 of 800 Signatures
    Created by sergio silesky
  • Peet’s Coffee Provide Emergency Paid Leave and Meet with Your Workers!
    We as workers, especially immuno-compromised and vulnerable workers, are being forced to risk potential exposure to and spread of the Coronavirus while CEO Kenneth Keller can continue working remotely. We should not have to choose between paying for essential food, rent and medical supplies and compromising social solidarity (a.k.a. social distancing) or exposing ourselves to further risks.
    3,111 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Restaurant Opportunities Center of MN ROCMN